Thursday, May 27, 2010

Contacted US attorney Jeffrey Dorschner informed CBS Leslie Moonves, Arnold Schwarzenegger's Computer Hacking crimes to coverup murder of entire city

** note to a special prosecution team~

**On 5-27-10 10:38am (PDT), US attorney Jeffrey Dorschner said on the phone who would forward the following case to Mr.Eric Holder, added "I can't form a special prosecution team,only I can do is forwarding the case to him, he(Eric Holder) is my boss.."

**the following emails to Ms. Cathrine E Lhamon ACLU socal had been blocked by the media involved include CBS Leslie Moonves, Dean Drako.

** PIC evidence at
had been boycotted again by the media invloved, please go to screenname handhyoon passcode 8154545

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: Randall.samborn ; president
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 12:43 pm
Subject: Fwd: attn Cathrine Lhamon, attn: Mr. Jeffrey Dorschner, Ms.Karen Miller Fwd: attn:amnestykorea Fwd: poisons from the drinking water at city of Upland Ca. Innocent citizens have been poisoned to die by law enforcement& US big media include CBS lesie moonves to coverup their crimes

RE: governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's executive order of poisoning the ctiy well of Upland California to coverup CBS leslie moonves crime,, @hanieyoon on tweeter ("we are all over tweeter" ESPN 710 AM 5-27-10 10:36am) must be investigated.

" I WILL NOT HELP THE GENTLEMAN WHO IS ALL ALONE"," TERMINATOR BUILT AN INFRASTRICTURE ON FBI, Terminator will not be terminated." Arnold Schwarzenegger at Clear Channel Chris Little, " I WANNA KNOW WHERE SHE IS GOING" Mariah Shriver at Glen Beck 2-14-08

ATTN: Mr. Randall Samborn please forward this media and governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's conspiracy to commit murder of entire city coverup to Mr.Patrick Fitzerald,due to LASD, FBI involved, USDOJ Mr. Eric Holder postponing the immediate investigation this case must be investigated by a special prosecution team.

Thank you so much for helping the victims.

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: clhmon
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 12:27 pm
Subject: attn Cathrine Lhamon, attn: Mr. Jeffrey Dorschner, Ms.Karen Miller Fwd: attn:amnestykorea Fwd: poisons from the drinking water at city of Upland Ca. Innocent citizens have been poisoned to die by law enforcement& US big media include CBS lesie moonves to coverup their crimes

RE:Big US media and FBI USDOJ LASD Human Rights Violations

please help the victims to bring the big media crimes to the minorities to the law.

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: jeffrey.dorschner ; karen.rhew-miller ; ecu ; clhmon ; aimember ; aiusama ; aiusamw ; aiusane ; aiusaso ; aiusasf ; twitter ; campaignteam
Sent: Thu, May 27, 2010 12:16 pm
Subject: attn: Mr. Jeffrey Dorschner, Ms.Karen Miller Fwd: attn:amnestykorea Fwd: poisons from the drinking water at city of Upland Ca. Innocent citizens have been poisoned to die by law enforcement& US big media include CBS lesie moonves to coverup their crimes

RE:Big US media and FBI USDOJ LASD Human Rights Violations and conspiracy to commit murder of entire city coverup,, @hanieyon on tweeter ( "we are all over tweeter" ESPN 710 AM 5-27-10 10:36am) media crime must be investigated immediately.

ATTN: Mr. Jeffrey Dorschner, Ms. Karen R Miller,Ms.Catherine E Lahmon,Mr.Ban Kimoon, Amnesty,

Please forward this case to Mr. Eric Holder who has been withholding each and every pic &video evidence include attachments and eyewitnesses include pastor Chuck Smith,KWVE Richard Mccintosh, postponing the immediate investigation.

The victims have been continually harassed with fake charges, fake mental health case,false imprisonment, electromagnetic weapons hacking, stalking...who found many spy cameras inside house,bathrooms, cars...

Mr. Jeffrey Dorschner, Ms. Karen Miller, your email address have been altered many times by CBS computer hackers include Dean Drako from to, to "jeffrey.dorschner\"" <""jeffrey.dorschner\"""> (pic evidence jeff US 1 jeff US2 and the following),from to ( pic evidence karen US1, karen US 2), continuous CBS and the media involved computer hacking and stalking to coverup attempt to murder of entire city must be investigated by a special prosecution team.

This media crimes has been isolated because almost big mainstream media and news papers have been involved, watching killing innocent citizens slowly with air water poiosning,electromagnetic weapons abuse through spy cameras. Please go to which last 3 posts had been altered by CBS but there are details of crime confession from Clear channel Bill Handel,Chris Little and spy camera,computer hacking evidence which withheld by Mr. Eric Holder, FBI,LASD.

The victims have been offered huge amount of money from the law enforcement and the media involved,( money offer evidnece),in exchange for silence,refused chosen the truth and the justice, consequently the harassment of electromagnetic weapons, computer hacking, stalking...gotten worsened.

@hanieyoon,@aclu_socal @amnestykorea,@amnesty,@secgen@barackobama@presssec....on tweeter every tweets are true with direct evidence and eyewitnesses the case has been proved already at FBI, LASD, USDOJ.

Please help the victims to bring this media crimes to American people and US justice system, to prevent the future minority victims of big media power abuse.


Hanie yoon

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: ecu
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 2:21 pm
Subject: Fwd: attn:amnestykorea Fwd: white powders from drinking water at city of Upland Ca. Innocent citizens have been poisoned to die by law enforcement& US big media include CBS lesie moonves to coverup their crimes

Mr. Ban Kimoon, please help the powerless persecuted minorities at california.

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: campaignteam
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 2:14 pm
Subject: Fwd: attn:amnestykorea Fwd: white powders from drinking water at city of Upland Ca. Innocent citizens have been poisoned to die by law enforcement& US big media include CBS lesie moonves to coverup their crimes

Note to Amnestykorea~ continuous big media computer hacking,US attorneys email address had been continually altered ie from to "jeffrey.dorschner\"" <""jeffrey.dorschner\""">, be investigated immediately, victims need your support.

ATTN: Amnestykorea, the reason for this case has been isolated from the US media is that every,almost, big US media include CBS,NBC,CNBC,ABC,News Corps,Clear Channel,Times, NY times,La times...have been involved,many spy cameras have been found at victims house installed by CBS,US big media have been watching killing innocent citizens through air and water poisoning,electromagnatic weapons abuse to coverup the media crimes.Clear Channel laura schlessinger said "this is illegal but entering"Unethical and wicked US media crimes must be published to the people in US and the world to prevent the repeated big media crimes and persecution on the minorities.Please help the powerless victims,need your support.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
Date: Wed, 26 May 2010 20:32:05
To: Ban kimoon
Subject: white powders from drinking water at city of Upland Ca. Innocent citizens have
been poisoned to die by law enforcement& US big media include CBS lesie moonves
to coverup their crimes

Mr.Ban kimoon, this is the biggest federal corruption case in US history. Over
200 big media people, over 70 law enforcement invloved include FBI US attorneys
i/c andre birotte,eric holder, LASD lee baca,governor Arnold
coverup media crimes US media i/c CBS leslie moonves,FBI LASD lee baca.. attempt
to murder entire city poisoning the city well for the no trace,luckily the
victims found the poisons from the drinking water. (Pic evidence held by FBI)
the victims found many spy cameras include at bathrooms as well which almost
every US big media include ABC NBC CNBC News Corp Times Ny times La times Clear
Channel...who have been watching killing innocent citizens so called slow death
poisong through the spy cameras since 2006, this is the reason this case has
been isolated totally from the media. Every big US media involved, Clear Channel
laura schlessinger said "this is illegal but entertaining" victms have been
urging president to launch immediate investigation on US media crimes,please
help persecuted minorities include Korean family. Continuous fake charges,fake
mental health case, false imprisonment by LASD FBI must be discontinued. Victims
seek global support to bring this case to people in US&the world.Please help.
Hanie Yoon
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

US media include CBS computer hacking evidence~]

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: president ; kbs4321 ; khyu ; choinh ; twitter
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 11:41 am
Subject: Fwd: attn:SPT CBS computer hacking evidence mixed evidence attachments,altered email address~US media CBS Leslie Moonves, governor arnold schwarzenegger's attempt to murder of entire city coverup Korean Family victims seek help from the Korean media and news papers

**US Media conspiracy to commit murder coverup,victims include Korean family seek global support the case to be investigated,each and every evidence eyewitnesses withheld by FBI USDOJ to coverup.

** President Obama, it's time to investigate media crimes include attempt to murder entire city.

**note to special prosecution team~ original all pic evidence attachments had been deleted( pic evidence will be submitted), continuous computer hacking to coverup the murder crime committed by the US media include CBS leslie moonves the following evidence altered email address "jeffrey.dorschner\"" <""jeffrey.dorschner\"""> must be investigated.(compare attachment evidence)

More evidence at last 3 posts had been altered by CBS leslie moonves, dean drako.

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: president ; kbs4321 ; khyu ; choinh
Sent: Wed, May 26, 2010 11:20 am
Subject: attn:SPT CBS computer hacking evidence mixed evidence attachments,altered email address~US media CBS Leslie Moonves, governor arnold schwarzenegger's attempt to murder of entire city coverup Korean Family victims seek help from the Korean media and news papers

** President Obama, it's time to investigate media crimes include attempt to murder entire city.]

**attn: Special Prosecution Team, the following outgoing US attorneys email address had been altered by media criminals include CBS leslie moonves, ie from to "jeffrey.dorschner\"" <""jeffrey.dorschner\""">;

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: khyu ; choinh ; Randall.samborn ; karen.rhew-miller ; "jeffrey.dorschner\"" <""jeffrey.dorschner\""">; president
Sent: Mon, May 24, 2010 11:03 am
Subject: Fwd: US media CBS Leslie Moonves, governor arnold schwarzenegger's attempt to murder of entire city coverup Korean Family victims seek help from the Korean media and news papers

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: khyu ; choinh ; Randall.samborn ; karen.rhew-miller ; jeffrey.dorschner ; president
Sent: Sun, May 23, 2010 4:06 pm
Subject: Fwd: US media CBS Leslie Moonves, governor arnold schwarzenegger's attempt to murder of entire city coverup Korean Family victims seek help from the Korean media and news papers

Note to Mr.Yu kun-ha,Mr.Choi Nam-hyun at Korea herald, please help the Korean victims at California, the US media and governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's crimes at held by FBI and USDOJ Eric Holder must be investigated by a special prosecution team, and evidence and eyewitnesses include the attachments held by USDOJ must be published for immediate investigation,please help Korean family and US citizens rejected the protection from California state government and USDOJ to bring this case to the people.

-----Original Message-----
From: handhyoon
To: kbs4321 ; Randall.samborn ; karen.rhew-miller ; jeffrey.dorschner
Sent: Sun, May 23, 2010 3:55 pm
Subject: US media CBS Leslie Moonves, governor arnold schwarzenegger's attempt to murder of entire city coverup Korean Family victims seek help from the Korean media and news papers

Please forward this email to Mr. Patrick Fitzerald,Ms.Karen R.Rhew, Mr. Jeffrey Dorschner.

1530 Jellick ave. #H
Roland heights, Ca 91748

Dear Mr.Choi Byongchan,

This US media crimes of CBS, NBC, ABC, News Corps, Clear Channel, Times....and governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's conspiracy to commit murder of entire city in California coverup have been held by USDOJ Eric Holder and FBI.

Each and every evidence and eyewitnesses include the attachments and at withheld by USDOJ Eric Holder must be investigated by a special prosecution team immediately.

Please help the Korean Family victims and US citizens rejected the protection from FBI and USDOJ, who have been offered huge amount of money in exchange for silence however the victims seek the justice to bring this case to the US justice system,who believe in going to the right direction.

The US media include CBS Leslie Moonves and governor Arnold Schwarzenegger's crime at withheld by USDOJ and FBI must be published to the people in US and elsewhers, and must be investigated immediately.

Please help the victims, this case to be published to urge Mr.president Barack Obama to launch a special prosecution team to investigate the US media crimes at

Please help the Korean family and US citizens rejected the protection from USDOJ, FBI and California state government.

Thank you for help the victims Mr. Choi.

Truthfully of yous

Hanie Yoon

CBS leslie moonves contunuous computer hacking evidence~

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