Wednesday, May 19, 2010

arnold schwarzenegger's Animal Testing


-----Original Message-----From: handhyoon@aol.comTo:;;;;;; Randall.samborn@usdoj.govSent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:36 am

Subject: Fwd: to US attorney Andre Birotte~ conspiracy to commit murder and obstructing justice committed by CBS leslie Moonves and FBI La evidence and eyewitnesses have been withheld by FBI

* Please forward the following federal corruption case to Mr. David M Gaouette,Ms.Nora Dannehy ,to Mr. David C Weiss,to Mr. A.Brian Albritton,to Mr.Thomas F Kirwin,to Mr.Wifredo A Ferrer, to Mr.Patrick Fitzerald.

-----Original Message-----From: handhyoon@aol.comTo:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;

Sent: Wed, May 19, 2010 11:12 am

Subject: Fwd: to US attorney Andre Birotte~ conspiracy to commit murder and obstructing justice committed by CBS leslie Moonves and FBI La evidence and eyewitnesses have been withheld by FBI

** note to secretary general Mr.Ban Kimoon,the following case is about a conspiracy to murder of entire city to coverup the media crimes committed by US media include CBS Leslie Moonves and corrupt FBI include La Bill Lewis. evidence and eyewitnesses withheld by FBI had been forwarded to Mr.Eric Holder by Mr. Jack Gillund USDOJ SF.

This case has been well known to US media industry since 2006,on twitter and @hanieyoon on twitter, and google hanieyoon CBS.

*note to Mr. Thom Mrozek and Ms.phyllis Thomas please forward the following conspiracy to commit murder and obstructing justice committed by CBS leslie Moonves and corrupt FBI La Bill Lewis.

-----Original Message-----From: handhyoon@aol.comTo: thom.mrozek@usdoj.govSent: Tue, May 18, 2010 1:27 pmSubject: to US attorney Andre Birotte~ conspiracy to commit murder and obstructing justice committed by CBS leslie Moonves and FBI La evidence and eyewitnesses have been withheld by FBI

* Mr. Thom Mrozek please forward this to Mr. Birotte.

Hnaie Yoon
1530 jellick ave. #H
Roland Heights, Ca 91748

attn: Mr. Andre Birotte, request immediate inquiry on the following attempt to murder of entire innocent citizens of city of Upland and continuous computer hacking, stalking and race harassment violations committed by the media include CBS Leslie Moonves and the corrupt law enforcement include FBI La

Please refer @hanieyoon on twitter, google hanieyoon CBS, each and every evidence and eyewitnesses have been withheld by FBI La.

Mr. Jack gillund confirmed me that he forward this case to USDOJ DC criminal div. on 5-18-10 11:00am.
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arnold schwarzenegger
Monday, May 17, 2010

arnold schwarzenegger's Animal Testing
1pic evidence
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Continuous Obstruction of justice committed by the media criminals include CBS NBC FOX News ABC Clear Channel...identity of the media and law enforcement criminal names had been installed by them at my cell contact.

@haniroot2 tweets and pics had been deleted by the media criminals (pic2 pic3)
Mr.president Barack Obama please launch the immediate investigation on CBS NBC ABC FOX news Clear Channel.....attempt to murder and OJ crimes .

Posted by hanieyoon at 3:48 PM 0 comments

arnold schwarzenegger's Animal Testing

note to the world~ tried to attach more computer hacking and stalking evience, couldn't do it due to continuous media's oj crimes. go to screenname handhyoon passcode 8154545 at old and new mails more evidence will be found.Crime confession and identity of the media and the corrupt law enforcement criminal names had been installed at my cell contact on 5-16-10.

The media criminals control my cell,land lines and computers. For a civilian I had access to computer and phone services as available to other citizens not any longer.

The cost of publishing the truth was total isolation.In exchange for the silence the victims have been offered the huge amount of money many times, but rejected have chosen the justice

.After receiving the identification of the media and the law enforcement criminal recognition and crime confession at my cell contact on 5-16-10 as a token of seeking the compassion of GOD leniency accepted their offer, the victims decided not to publish the case to the world any longer.

American Christian community include pastors Chuck Smith, David Jeremiah, Frank Graham,Greg Laurie, KWVE program manager Richard Mccintosh...who have been watching the media and the law enforcement's murder and obstructing justice crimes advocate the victims to forgive them.

(Over 200 media criminals involved include CBS, NBC,ABC,FOX,Clear Channel.....over 70 corrupt law enforcement involved include FBILa Bill Lewis, LASD Lee Baca, LAcounty Da Steve Cooley, CADOJ Jerry Brown, many corrupt politicians involved include Arnold Schwarzenegger, congressman david Dryer, UCLA medical researchers include Dr.Peter Katona...,many of them are facing life without the parole owing to outstanding countless state and federal law violations.)

However corrupt law enforcement include LASD,FBI La's covert field tests me, my family and my neighbors of deadly electromagnatic/microwave weapons abuse have been continued surprisingly after the media criminals crime confession and identity having been set by them at my cell contact on 5-16-10.

I've been plagued by chronic dizziness,headaches,hand shaking,bones/muscles/joints aches, loss of repeated LASD SBSD EW/MW abuse.The media criminals said that the poisons and EW/MW leave no chemical trace in the body.

Autopsies would nothing and the rest of the America and the world would never know the truth.

I believe that the truth and the rightness join forces on the world,convincing them the corrupt US media and the law enforcement's race harassment to the minorities was wrong prove to.

I know America and the world have to be warned,the world is becoming alarmed at US corrupt police and FBI disregard for citizens safety using EW/MW and poisons to coverup their crimes.

The motivation of my visit to the world is that to put an end the repeated US media's murder and OJ crimes over and above that to ward off future inherent race harassment victims from the immoral and depraved media and the law enforcement.

The victims reject the offer until 5-18-10 due to repeated media's harassment.I believe that I would have to go public and to US justice system with the truth and the honesty.-----Original Message-----From: handhyoon@aol.comTo: ; Sent: Sun, May 16, 2010 1:40 pmSubject: Media criminals thx for the crime admission at my cell# 4. 90 % of 85 will be distributed to the christian minisyries,world human rights,charities,tax trough the MUST JESUS FOUNDATION. Expected until 5-18-10Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

note to the world~ there is an attachment due to the media crimes was not able to deposit it. go to handhyoon 8154545
Posted by hanieyoon at 1:05 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 14, 2010

arnold schwarzenegger's "ANIMAL TESTING" 3
1 2pic evidence
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4pic evidence

#1 pic evidence and the large amount of white substance from the drinking water will prove distressing and heinous air and water poisoning designed to destroy all the people who breath the air at the victims place and the entire city who drink the water.

Many spy cameras and microphones have been found at the victims place include bathrooms which have been withheld by corrupt law enforcement include FBI La Bill Lewis and LASD Lee Baca and La County Da Steve Cooley and Arnold Schwarzenegger.

etherbrian at twitter 5-12-10 7:40pm

Each and every evidence and eyewitnesses include pastor Chuck smith, pastor David Jeremiah, KWVE Richard Mccintosh have been withheld by the corrupt law enforcement to coverup.
American people with your help this case will go to law. has been moved by the media criminals involved.
Go to screenname handhyoon passcode 8154545
hanieyoon at twitter @hanieyoon
Posted by hanieyoon at 10:49 AM 0 comments
Thursday, May 13, 2010

arnold schwarzenegger's ANIMAL TESTING

The worst federal corruption case in US history in California state has been covered up since 2006.Ruthless and cold-blooded media criminals include CBS Leslie Moonves, News Corp, ABC, NBC, MSNBC,CNBC, Warner Brothers, Clear Channel and corrupt politicians include arnold schwarzenegger, congressman David Dryer ... have been killing innocent citizens to coverup theircrimes.Debauched and indecent lawenforcement include FBI La Bill Lewis, LASD Lee Baca, CADOJ Jerry Brown, US attorneies in California state include Jack Gillund, Andre Birotte... have been withholding the case, evidence and eyewitnesses.Picture and video evidence of killing innocent citizens through the air and water poisoning have been withheld by the corrupt lawenforcement.Many hired murderers who committed poisoning and gangstalking have been captured by the victims camera which have been withheld and protected by FBI La and LASD Lee Baca, LA county DA Steve Cooley.Clerar Channel KFI AM 640 news director Chris little, Bill handel, CBS Leslie Moonves, Tom Leykis'...repeated stalking and conputerhacking and FCC violations have been protected by FBI.(there are many crime reports regarding CBS and Clear Channel's computer hacking and stalking crimes to FBI IC3 and to the local office)" We have a contract with LASD Taser company, we are safe as long as we are in California." KFIAM640 5-12-10 12:28pm"We saw the golf megazines.." KLAC AM570 5-12-10 3:48pm (media criminals air poisoning evidence )"The term "Fort Night" just never caught on here in the STATE. Yet Benny Hill did *rolls eyes*" etherbrian at twitter 5-13-10 3:30pm"I SUSPECT THAT PEOPLE WHO OPPOSE ANIMAL TESTING DO SO BECAUSE THEY DON'T WANT ANYONE TO KNOW THEY SCORED LOWER THAN THE ANIMALS"Merlin Mann ,etherbrian at twitter 5-13-10 7:40pm"IF SOMETHING IS NOT DONE NOW ABOUT THE RAMPART USE OF MULTIPLE EXCLAMATION MARKS THERE WILL BE. NONE LEFT FOR FUTURE GENERATION."etherbrian at twitter 5-13-10 7:40pmContinuous obstructing justice committed by the corrupt lawenforcement and the media criminals will be stopped by American people and the law.There are 6 to 7 letters to attempt bribing the victims, but the victims chose the Justice .
Posted by hanieyoon at 11:22 AM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010

Arnold Schwarzenegger
RE: Race Harassment and Conspiracy to commit murderFind the worst federal corruption case in US history, please go to screenname "handhyoon" passcode "8154545"Contact US attorney's office in your state and USDOJ Mr. Eric Holder and FBI Robert Mueller report this crime, many federal agencies in California state involved include FBI La (Bill lewis...)LASD Lee Baca, La county DA Steve Cooley, CADOJ Jerry Brown... have been withholding the evidence and eyewitnesses include pastor Chuck Smith, pastor David Jeremiah,KWVE Richard Mccintosh..since 2006** " THE TERMINATOR HAS BUILT INFRASTRUCTURE FBI, YOU CANN'T TERMINATE THE TERMINATOR.." Don Jon and Franky hired murderer by the media criminals include CBS Leslie Moonves**" I WILL NOT HELP THE GENTLEMAN WHO IS ALL ALONE." Arnold Schwarzenegger at KFI AM 640 John Kobylt and Ken Chiampo show** " WE WILL BE SAFE AS LONG AS WE ARE IN CALIFORNIA" KFI AM640 George Noory** " ....DIRECT ATTEMPT TO KILL HER IS OUTRAGEOUS..." CBS** " SECURE THE BORDER BY MILITARY,IF THIS HIT THE PUBLIC WE ARE ALL OVER..." Congressman David Dryer, KFI AM640** " my name is hannie yoon and i'm koo koo for coca puffs my name should be hannie loon. koo koo" KFI AM640 News Director Chris Little's repeated harassment,stalking and computer hacking evidence** " .... they are CBS' spy cameras......" KFI AM640 Bill Handel ( the victims found spy cameras and microphones inside their place include bathrooms)** " Barack Obama doesn't care about her and her family anyway, we don't have any options, KILL HER..." 5-7-10 FOX AM570 3:45pm
Posted by hanieyoon at 1:30 PM 0 comments
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